Wednesday 17 October 2012

Subverted Protectors.

These fume masks are really evocative. They represent cleanliness and protection, but they hint at something invasive and dirty surrounding the wearer. As we breathe through them, we are infesting them with the bacteria from within our bodies, ruining their sterile state, yet this is part of the process that we don't address, as we are in denial about the sullied state of our own bodies.

They are also worn in times of epidemic and mass panic, a fairly futile defence mechanism that comforts us none the less.

The colour gradation of the buds adds something to the mask that the fabric balls one lacks. the change in colour suggests development and ripening.

The false nails on an insole was a quick play, to do with the build up of foot bacteria against the "pretty" false cover ups we use to distract. These ideas are really interesting me, and it makes me think about what funny beings we are sometimes. Humour is definitely important here.

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